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coaching for well-being

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I've always been driven to share visuals and words. I feel good in this way.

My passions are daydreaming, writing, and creating art. I've always dabbled between this and that, never fully committing to just one thing. I can't explain it, but I'm forever seeking and curious of what if's. I'm multifaceted, eclectic, and love being so. I couldn't imagine being any other way.


The idea of 'Soul Speak', combining everything that I adore in one place, really inspired me.

It's fulfilling my soul and has guided me to develop journals, table books, and prints.  It just feels right. Flows.


I'm always striving to evolve, especially by learning. Below are the coaching courses that I've taken to date. All have been invaluable for my own journey. I mention these as wanted to do something with what I've learned, though not in a heavy way, but gentle, non-assuming. The designs you see on this site stem from this and varying experiences. Not everybody is the same, but hurts and joys are relatable. The ups and downs feel the same. This is where I'm meeting you, on the boundary lines of our different paths and life experiences. 'Soul Speak' a common meeting ground for the seekers.


Don't strive to find happiness, be connected to the present. 
If there's a sense that something is missing, create goals.

It isn't about the pursuit of an ideal life, but about living in the now.
Don't get swept up in others apparent success and your lack - focus on the good in your own life. I promise there is something if you look.

You cannot feel happy 24/7, but you can accept all that you are.
Don't overanalyse what you need to do but live and learn on the way.


Image by pouriya kafaei
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It is human nature to want to understand the meaning of life. In a fast-paced society, there are many people who might be creating success but not fulfilment. They have a feeling that life is supposed to be more, and they’re right.




Living a life of purpose and meaning is essential for overall well-being,
happiness and success

Overcome conditioning and negative patterns picked up early in life


Discover through exploring passions and interests


Capitalise on talents and skills and use these gifts to make a difference


Explore insights from understanding your personality type


Find meaning within life-changing experiences and powerful coincidences


Eliminate limiting belief systems and take power back





Manifestation, Abundance, Happiness, Psychology & "Allowing Your Success"

There is FAR more to working with the Law of Attraction than vision boards and affirmations, and most importantly, REALIZE YOUR VISION.


Inspiring others to attract, manifest, and allow the best and live life on fire by using the law of attraction. 


Empower another person to truly come alive, to take back their personal power, and remember who they are.

Image by Amy Shamblen

Recover from major life challenges.


Find your path of least resistance

Use the Law of Attraction tools to unlock a block and allow ideas, solutions, and creativity to flow.


Experience greater clarity and focus.

Image by Giorgio Trovato
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Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is the foundation of modern psychology.  

 #1 most important thing you could ever understand is that thoughts are what create emotions. 


The reason this is so important to know is that no matter how motivated and talented you are, the human mind is FLAWED. Without training, everybody’s thinking is extremely IRRATIONAL.


The reason is that in our brain’s quest to interpret our world and keep us safe, it misinterprets what’s happening, makes false judgments, and demands unreasonable things from us, others, and perhaps after years of living around dysfunctional people, we have learned to pick up their faulty belief systems.  

REBT is one of the most powerful tools to use for rewiring faulty beliefs and address the cause of emotional pain at the root. REBT is a Psychology Human Empowerment Story.




Goal Success Coach Certified
business - personal - career 

The 4-Steps to Goal Success:


DESIRE: Clearly identify what you REALLY want

not limited by external influences and negative programming


BELIEF: Develop true confidence and the psychology to achieve success


PLAN: Work to create a concrete short and long term plan


MOTIVATION: Being accountable and keep motivated to follow through

Image by Johen Redman
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Entrepreneurship & Business

Self-employment through Entrepreneurship the ultimate form of self-empowerment

Find clarity about the business and lifestyle you truly want and to create and what you need in order to get there.


Turn your business idea into a concrete plan of action and KNOW what action to take next  


Get unstuck by identifying current or possible roadblocks, whether they are skills, resources, or mindsets, and strategise solutions for overcoming them  



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© 2021 Soul Speak

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